Why You Should Invest in Training Your Employees

Published by CMMXYZ on April 25, 2023

18 years ago, when I first sat down in front of a CMM to write a program, I was overwhelmed. I remember saying to myself, then later to my manager “I need training.” Soon after getting trained, I said “I need MORE training!”

This marked the beginning of a long journey in a rich and rewarding career; an educational journey that continues to this day.

A poorly trained CMM programmer is frustrated, inefficient and a weak link in your production chain. Stress levels rise and productivity lags as unmeasured parts pile up in your inspection room. Employees will inevitably move on, and the collective morale of your team suffers as a result.

Here’s a story we’ve all heard before: Old Bill in the Quality lab is getting ready for retirement and asked to train young Adam as his replacement. To save money, management opted not to seek professional training since Bill could teach Adam everything he knows. What could go wrong, right?

In my many years as a CMM instructor, I’ve trained countless programmers and met hundreds of “Bills” and “Adams.” What typically happens in this scenario is Adam’s company eventually calls CMMXYZ and sends one of our expert instructors in to fill the gaps left by Bill’s training.

For a job as technically complex as CMM programming, professional training is crucial and ongoing. There is a strong case to be made in why you should invest in training. Here are a just a few points to consider.


A well-trained employee can cross train. Training is essential for knowledge transfer. It’s extremely important to share knowledge amongst your staff.

If only one person has special skills, you’ll have a tough time recouping their knowledge if they suddenly leave the company. Spread knowledge around; it’s like diversifying your investments.


High employee turnover is costly to a business and, in this labour market, it’s not easy to find suitable candidates to replace lost workers.

Training promotes job satisfaction. Nurturing employees to develop more rounded skill sets will help them contribute to the company. The more engaged and involved they are in working for your success, the better your rewards and the more likely they are to want to continue working for you.


Having your staff trained by professionals opens a treasure chest of valuable resources, namely the metrology experts at CMMXYZ.

Being a CMM programmer can be a lonely profession. New hires sometimes feel like they are left on their own to “figure it out.” Formal training at our facility opens the door to a direct line of communication with our team of highly skilled software specialists.

Your training journey does not end after attending your first class. The next step is to apply theory to practice, and there will be stumbles along the way. The last thing I tell my students after I present their certificate and shake their hand is “Reach out to me anytime if you need help!”

To sign up for training at CMMXYZ, please check out the training section of our website!

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